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Lead, Radium, Cesium, and Thorium isotope activity in sediment samples from Los Padres reservoir, Carmel River watershed, California


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Lorenson, T.D., and East, A.E., 2024, Lead, Radium, Cesium, and Thorium isotope activity in sediment samples from Los Padres reservoir, Carmel River watershed, California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Sediment samples were collected from Los Padres reservoir in the Carmel River watershed, central California coast, between July 11 and 17, 2017, using a CME-45 barge-mounted drill rig, to characterize sedimentary properties in the reservoir deposits following the Soberanes Fire of 2016 and high river flows in winter 2017. Borehole samples were recovered using direct push coring with an Osterberg piston sampler operated by Taber Drilling Company of Sacramento, California, and overseen by AECOM, Inc. Sediment was recovered using a split-barrel sampler and a rotary drill bit was added to the sampler where needed to penetrate coarse sediment. Samples from three boreholes are described in this data release: two sampled at multiple sediment [...]


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Laboratory measurements of isotopic activity in borehole sediment from Los Padres reservoir, Carmel River watershed, California, to characterize post-fire sedimentation history.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P99M6Y8O

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