This web map service provides location data and related scanned documents pertaining to Kentucky’s ore mineral resources and their associated commodities including fluorite (fluorspar), galena (lead), sphalerite (zinc), barite, iron, nitrates, phosphates, titanium, uranium, and rare earth elements in igneous intrusions.
These data are a digital compilation of spatially referenced point locations for all mapped mines, shafts, dikes, prospects, outcrops, core holes, and drill holes associated with the mineral ore industry of Kentucky. Also included are linear features of mineral veins and igneous dikes, as well as their respective areal extents. Much of these data, especially in the WKFD, were secured from maps, drill hole logs, field notes, and interpretations that were donated to the KGS, as well as from locations posted on topographic base maps. Most of the remaining data were captured and cataloged during digital map conversion of the scanned geologic quadrangle maps. Consistent data attribution for the various features was finalized utilizing GIS software, links to scanned documents (maps, reports, core logs, sections) were completed, and the compiled feature data was then posted to the map service.