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How Do Critical Life History Stages Limit Plant Adaptation to Changing Climate? The Role of Seedling and Sapling Survivorship in Ecosystem Resilience

Principal Investigator
Donald Falk


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Ecosystems respond to disturbances (such as wildfire) and changing climate in a variety of ways, including persistence, recovery, and reorganization into new combinations. Some species respond by migrating across the landscape over time, which allows them to keep up with changing climate. Many forests recover after wildfire by regenerating from seeds, and public land managers often assist these processes to help ecosystems recover. However, the success of all of these strategies depends on young plants (seedlings and saplings) surviving, often when exposed to harsh conditions following fires, including prolonged droughts, heat waves, and rising temperatures. In this project, researchers will study how well young trees can tolerate [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Donald Falk
Co-Investigator :
David D Breshears
Cooperator/Partner :
Jia Hu, Rachel A Loehman, Jack Triepke
Funding Agency :
Southwest CASC
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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“Forest in Sierra Nevada, CA; Photo Credit: BLM”
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projectStatusIn Progress

Forest in Sierra Nevada, CA; Photo Credit: BLM
Forest in Sierra Nevada, CA; Photo Credit: BLM


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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Southwest CASC

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