This page contains an unsteady-state one-dimensional (1D) river and 3 two-dimensional (2D) bays Hydrologic Engineering Center - River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) model (version 5.0.3) simulations for the lower Sandusky River, Ohio from July 10 – 13, 2017, during the passage of a storm. The upstream end of the 1D model domain is located 2 km upstream from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) stream gage at Sandusky River near Fremont, Ohio (station number 04198000). The downstream end of the 1D model is at the confluence of Sandusky River with Muddy Creek Bay. The stream gage at Sandusky River near Fremont, Ohio, is located 3.8 km upstream from Ballville Dam and 25.6 km upstream from the confluence of Sandusky River with Muddy Creek Bay. The 2D bay areas comprised of three bays: Muddy Creek, the Upper and Lower Sandusky Bays, and a small portion of Lake Erie. Areal coverage extends from the confluence with the 1D Sandusky River model to Lake Erie. The lake level data were obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) tidal station 9063079, Marblehead, Ohio, and this station was used as the downstream boundary condition.
The final HEC-RAS model is 31.5 km long and includes 121 measured cross sections, 9 bridge structures, and the Ballville Dam. The Ballville Dam was in place during the ichthyoplankton survey used in this study but removed in September 2017. The unsteady-state result of the 1D hydraulics was used as an input to the Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator (FuEgg) model (version 3.1.0) to simulate the drifts of grass carp eggs. See the other child item of this data release for more information about the FluEgg simulations.
The zipped folder, contains the following three folders and one .txt file:
1. HEC-RAS503_executable, HEC-Ras Version 5.0.3 executable is stored here
2. LowerSanduskyRiver_before_BallvilleDam_Removal, the unsteady 1D/2D lower Sandusky River HEC-RAS model describing conditions before the Ballville Dam removal
3. ChannelCrossSections_1DModel, a RAS-CrossSections.kml
4. HecRasFolders_Readme.txt