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High-Resolution Land Cover Maps of Lāna‘i, Hawai‘i, 2020 - Mixed Class


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Berio Fortini, L., 2023, High-Resolution Land Cover Maps of Lāna‘i, Hawai‘i, 2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This raster integrates the species-specific and community classifications using a hierarchical approach based on classification certainty. A 0.66 probability threshold was applied, with pixels assigned the finest species-specific class as long as the probability exceeded the threshold. Pixels below the threshold were assigned to the broader community class meeting the threshold. This approach displays the most detailed class possible given a minimum confidence, providing a map that balances specificity and certainty. Please note that to reduce the inherent 'salt and pepper' noise in the final land cover classification map, we applied a 3x3 pixel moving window majority filter to the final classification results.


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This land cover dataset enables highly detailed vegetation mapping to track the spread of invasive species, guide conservation actions, assess ungulate damage, and monitor ecosystem changes over time on Lāna‘i. The fine-scale maps can also inform erosion control, carbon inventory, and climate change planning. Their accuracy and resolution surpass existing products to aid research and management across taxa in this topographically complex island ecosystem.

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