R. A. De Hon, 19770101, Geologic map of the Eridania Quadrangle of Mars: , https://doi.org/10.5066/P95D1LIB.
The Eridania quadrangle is located within the densely cratered terrain of the southern hemisphere of Mars, east of the large circular Hellas Basin. The area contains three distinct physiographic provinces that divide the quadrangle into latitudinal belts. The northern part of the quadrangle is dominated by cratered upland plateau, the central part by plains, the southern part by a mottled surface of rugged topography and a high density of craters subdued by erosion. In general, the oldest geologic units occur in the upland terrains, the youngest in the central lowlands.
The Eridania quadrangle is located within the densely cratered terrain of the southern hemisphere of Mars, east of the large circular Hellas Basin. The area contains three distinct physiographic provinces that divide the quadrangle into latitudinal belts. The northern part of the quadrangle is dominated by cratered upland plateau, the central part by plains, the southern part by a mottled surface of rugged topography and a high density of craters subdued by erosion. In general, the oldest geologic units occur in the upland terrains, the youngest in the central lowlands.
Digitized 1:5,000,000-scale geologic map of the Eridania Quadrangle of Mars. Oringinally mapped on Mariner 9 imagery. The map was imported into ArcMap and georeferenced to the Mars THEMIS basemap. Contacts and geologic units were digitized and attributed based on type and unit name.