G. E. McGill, 19780101, Geologic map of the Thaumasia Quadrangle of Mars: , https://doi.org/10.5066/P9EDF1SH.
The Thaumasia quadrangle lies on the south flank of the Tharsis dome (Hord and others, 1974), a large bulge in the crust of Mars extending more than 5,000 km northward from the center of the quadrangle. This major structure imposes a generally southward slope across the entire quadrangle. Topography along the east-central border of the Thaumasia quadrangle exhibits curved scarps and lowlands concentric with the Argyre basin.
The Thaumasia quadrangle lies on the south flank of the Tharsis dome (Hord and others, 1974), a large bulge in the crust of Mars extending more than 5,000 km northward from the center of the quadrangle. This major structure imposes a generally southward slope across the entire quadrangle. Topography along the east-central border of the Thaumasia quadrangle exhibits curved scarps and lowlands concentric with the Argyre basin.
Digitized 1:5,000,000-scale geologic map of the Thaumasia Quadrangle of Mars. Originally mapped on Mariner 9 imagery. The map was imported into ArcMap and georeferenced to the Mars THEMIS basemap. Contacts and geologic units were digitized and attributed based on type and unit name.