T.A. Mutch, and E. C. Morris, 19790101, Geologic map of the Memnonia Quadrangle of Mars: , https://doi.org/10.5066/P9Q9M1MK.
The Memnonia quadrangle lies astride the boundary between heavily cratered and sparsely cratered hemispheres of Mars (Carr and others, 1973). Densely cratered terrain occurs in the southwestern part of the quadrangle. Strips of plains material bound the cratered terrain in both the northern and eastern parts of the quadrangle. There is approximately 3 km of relief across the quadrangle, with the highest elevations in the eastern part. Plains materials of this region are situated along the lower Lacus and Tharsis quadrangles. There is little correlation between terrain type and elevation within the Memnonia quadrangle. In particular, the boundary between cratered terrain and plains for the most part is not marked by any prominent change [...]
The Memnonia quadrangle lies astride the boundary between heavily cratered and sparsely cratered hemispheres of Mars (Carr and others, 1973). Densely cratered terrain occurs in the southwestern part of the quadrangle. Strips of plains material bound the cratered terrain in both the northern and eastern parts of the quadrangle. There is approximately 3 km of relief across the quadrangle, with the highest elevations in the eastern part. Plains materials of this region are situated along the lower Lacus and Tharsis quadrangles. There is little correlation between terrain type and elevation within the Memnonia quadrangle. In particular, the boundary between cratered terrain and plains for the most part is not marked by any prominent change in elevation.
Digitized 1:5,000,000-scale geologic map of the Memnonia Quadrangle of Mars. Originally mapped on Mariner 9 imagery. The map was imported into ArcMap and georeferenced to the Mars THEMIS basemap. Contacts and geologic units were digitized and attributed based on type and unit name.