Geologic map of science study area 2, north Kasei Valles, Mars (MTM 25072 Quadrangle)
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M. G. Chapman, H. Masursky, and D. H. Scott, 19910101, Geologic map of science study area 2, north Kasei Valles, Mars (MTM 25072 Quadrangle): ,
This map is one in a series of 1:500,000-scale geologic maps initiated by NASA to investigate areas of particular scientific interest on Mars. The north Kasei Valles area merits detailed geologic study because it contains part of a large channel system whose age can be determined relative to geologic units that range in age from early intermediate (Early Hesperian) to the very late (Late Amazonian) periods of Martian history. Also, many geomorphic features in the map area suggest changes in water level and multiple erosional events associated with the Kasei Valles system. Later erosional events are indicative of spring sapping; small-scale, ground-water runoff; and water-mobilized debris flow. Therefore, this large-scale mapping has [...]
This map is one in a series of 1:500,000-scale geologic maps initiated by NASA to investigate areas of particular scientific interest on Mars. The north Kasei Valles area merits detailed geologic study because it contains part of a large channel system whose age can be determined relative to geologic units that range in age from early intermediate (Early Hesperian) to the very late (Late Amazonian) periods of Martian history. Also, many geomorphic features in the map area suggest changes in water level and multiple erosional events associated with the Kasei Valles system. Later erosional events are indicative of spring sapping; small-scale, ground-water runoff; and water-mobilized debris flow. Therefore, this large-scale mapping has increased our understanding of the history of hydrologic processes on Mars. For these reasons, part of the area is a candidate for a sample-return mission to the planet.
Digitized 1:500,000-scale geologic map of the North Kasei Valles region, Mars. Originally mapped on Viking imagery. The scanned map sheet was imported into ArcMap and georeferenced to the more current 2014 global THEMIS Daytime IR mosaic basemap. Contacts, geologic units, surficial deposits and structures were digitized and attributed based on type and unit name.