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Mercury Concentrations and Stable Isotope Ratios of Consumers from Different Subhabitats of Wetlands in the San Francisco Bay, CA


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Hall, L.A., Woo, I., Marvin-DiPasquale, M.C., Tsao, D.C., Krabbenhoft, D.P., Takekawa, J.Y., and De La Cruz, S.E.W., 2020, Sediment biogeochemistry and subsequent mercury biomagnification in wetland food webs of the San Francisco Bay, CA (ver. 2.0, December 2023): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Primary and secondary consumers are important links in the trophic transfer of methylmercury, and their methylmercury concentrations are often measured to assess the potential risk of toxicity to higher trophic level consumers, including humans. A better understanding of the link between methylmercury production in sediments and methylmercury bioaccumulation in tidal marsh primary and secondary consumers will improve the design of contaminant monitoring, remediation, and restoration efforts, thereby protecting human and wildlife health. To advance this goal, we characterized spatial variation in sediment biogeochemistry and methylmercury concentrations of sediments, water, and consumer tissues at a meso-scale among marsh subhabitats. [...]


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Data were obtained to characterize meso-scale spatial variation in methylmercury production and concentrations of primary and secondary consumers in tidal marshes of the San Francisco Bay, CA.



  • USGS Western Ecological Research Center



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