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Simulated Daily Requested Diversions and Diversions for Surface Water Permits in the Canadian River Basin of Oklahoma during the years 1983 – 2099


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Schalla, F. E., and Southard, P. J., 2023, Simulated Daily Requested Diversions and Diversions for Surface Water Permits in the Canadian River Basin of Oklahoma during the years 1983 – 2099: Data release,


Simulated daily averaged surface water permit requested diversions and diversions modeled in the spatially refined model region within the Canadian River Basin RiverWare model. Values reported are for forty-six (46) scenarios implementing combinations of 1) three various climate model outputs for three various representative concentration pathways, 2) three various reservoir water right policy assumptions, and 3) three various projected future demands from 1983 through 2099. The RiverWare model was used to determine the impacts on regulated flows, reservoir levels, and water permit diversions. RiverWare software was used for this project because of its ability to simulate water use, reservoir operations, water right priority order, [...]


Point of Contact :
Frank Schalla
Originator :
Frank E. Schalla, Paul J. Southard
Metadata Contact :
Frank Schalla
Distributor :
GS ScienceBase, U.S. Geological Survey

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ModelObjectLocations_WRs.csv 33.34 KB text/csv
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Data was output from RiverWare simulations using VIC climate and historical scenario outputs. Data could be useful in evaluating potential future water availability and water permit reliability.



  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • South Central CASC



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DOI 10.21429/5073-f423

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