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Samoan swallowtail, life history, specimen fate, 2013-2014


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Banko, P.C., Peck, R.W., and Schmaedick, M.A., 2024, Samoan swallowtail butterfly reproductive life history and parasitism, 2013-2014: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Surveys for immature life stages of Papilio godeffroyi were conducted on 117 individually marked host trees (Micromelum minutum) in eight forest stands on Tutuila Island, American Samoa, at approximately monthly intervals during 2013-2014. The eight stands were mostly in or adjacent to the National Park of American Samoa (NPSA), but one site was sampled near the western tip of Tutuila, outside NPSA. Papilio life stages included eggs, eggshells, larvae, pupae, and exuviae, which were taken to the laboratory at American Samoa Community College for examination and processing. Specimens were reared (live specimens) or assessed (dead or inert specimens) to determine their reproductive outcome and rates of parasitism. Live eggs, larvae, [...]


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Data were collected to assist NPSA and the American Samoa Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources develop conservation strategies by filling in gaps in our knowledge of swallowtail reproduction and life history. Determining the fate of specimens was intended to provide a more comprehensive understanding of P. godeffroyi life history and to help conservation managers evaluate changes in reproductive parameters potentially due to changes in climate, habitat, invasive species, and other environmental factors.



  • Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center



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