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Assess the attitudes and impacts to society associated with voluntary use of non-toxic ammunition for hunting programs on National Wildlife Refuges


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Conversion from lead to non-toxic ammunition and tackle is controversial and contentious despite scientific evidence of harmful environmental effects (e.g., TWS Technical Report). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Research Units Program will pilot and assess a voluntary approach to non-toxic conversion on targeted National Wildlife Refuges. We will design a study that will examine the human dimensions associated with transferring to non-toxic ammunition. Key stakeholders (managers, hunters, local conservationists, refuge associations) will be engaged in these surveys. Specifically, we will (1) identify specific refuge pilot locations and approach (modeled after the work being done in New York [...]

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Primary Investigator :
Stephen DeStefano
FWS Project Officer :
Kelly Chadbourne

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  • USGS/FWS Science Support Partnership Program


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