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Genetic and landscape level threat assessments and status review of the Candy Darter (Etheostoma osburni)


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The Candy Darter, an endemic fish of the New River drainage in VA and WV, has been petitioned as a potential candidate for listing under the Endangered Species Act (Barb Douglas, USFWS, Elkins, WV, personal communication). Historically, the Candy Darter occurred over a wide range within the lower New River drainage, but many populations have been extirpated (Daniel A. Cincotta, personal communication). In West Virginia, the species has been extirpated from the lower Greenbrier River system, the Indian Creek drainage, and the Bluestone River drainage. Extant populations are restricted to the upper Greenbrier system and the Gauley river drainage in West Virginia. In Virginia, the species is restricted to the Valley and Ridge physiographic [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Stewart Welsh
FWS Project Officer :
Barbara Douglas

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  • USGS/FWS Science Support Partnership Program


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