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Cenozoic Foraminiferal Collections of Weldon Rau in Oregon and Washington, USA


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Niem, W.A., Rau, W.W., Snavely Jr., P.D., Dinterman, P.A., and Gordon, G.W., 2024, Cenozoic Foraminiferal Collections of Weldon Rau in Oregon and Washington, USA: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The original compilation of this data is in Rau (2004) (, where most samples are located by Township, Range, and Section relative to the Public Land Survey System. For this database, Snavely's original field sheets and notebooks were used to calculate latitude and longitude of the samples and the results were combined with Rau (2004) to produce a geodatabase in ArcGIS. Latitude and longitude are reported in the North American Datum of 1927, however the point feature class has been reprojected to the North American Datum of 1983 UTM zone 10N. The database includes information on 3,418 foraminiferal samples mostly gathered from outcrops during field work for [...]


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The purpose of this database is to provide access to the foraminiferal micropaleontological data gathered for U.S. Geological Survey investigations since 1950 in the Pacific Northwest from the Strait of Juan de Fuca southward to the Oregon-California border. Micropaleontological data have provided essential stratigraphic age control for geologic investigations in the Cascadia forearc, such as the Coast Range-Olympic Mountains and Puget-Willamette Lowland west of the Cascade Range. Foraminiferal assemblages and, later, coccoliths have been the most abundant microfossils recovered from the Cenozoic sequence.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P1MJQRMY

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