Amplicon sequencing of pollen foraged by Bombus affinis for compositional analysis
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Cornman, R.S., Iwanowicz, D., and Otto, C.R., 2024, Amplicon sequencing of pollen foraged by Bombus affinis for compositional analysis: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
This study generated genetic 'barcode' data using high-throughput sequencing to characterize pollen collected by the endangered rusty-patched bumblebee, Bombus affinis. Pollen samples were associated with a single Bombus affinis colony within a structure in Red Wing, Minnesota, USA, as previously described by Boone et al. (2022). This data release consists of two tab-delimited files: 1) sample.metadata.txt includes sample identifiers and accessions assigned by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the authoritative repository for publicly funded genetic data in the United States. These accessions can be used individually to obtain raw sequencing data or sample information at Alternatively, [...]
This study generated genetic 'barcode' data using high-throughput sequencing to characterize pollen collected by the endangered rusty-patched bumblebee, Bombus affinis. Pollen samples were associated with a single Bombus affinis colony within a structure in Red Wing, Minnesota, USA, as previously described by Boone et al. (2022).
This data release consists of two tab-delimited files:
1) sample.metadata.txt includes sample identifiers and accessions assigned by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the authoritative repository for publicly funded genetic data in the United States. These accessions can be used individually to obtain raw sequencing data or sample information at Alternatively, the BioProject accession PRJNA1045705 can be searched to retrieve the full set of data and sample accessions listed in the file. Entity and attribute metadata are provided for this file.
2) taxon.counts.txt includes the inferred counts, or number of sequences, attributable to each identified taxon in each sample. Taxa are in rows and sequencing libraries are in columns. Taxa are listed by scientific name and the taxonomic rank of that scientific name. A numeric taxonomic identifier used by NCBI for each taxon is also provided, as the taxonomic identifier is unique in the NCBI databases whereas scientific names may not be. Entity and attribute data are not provided for this file due to its size and repetitive content.
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Bombus.pollen.forage.xml Original FGDC Metadata
21.99 KB
2.14 KB
17.56 KB
The data were generated to assess the composition of pollen collected by worker Bombus affinis, to better understand species ecology. The data can be used to characterize the plant diversity in these environmental samples.