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Argon Data for samples from the Elkhead and Rabbit Ears Mountains, northern Colorado, USA


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Mercer, C.M., Cosca, M.A., and Morgan, L.E., 2024, Argon Data for samples from the Elkhead and Rabbit Ears Mountains, northern Colorado, USA: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset accompanies the planned publication “Mantle Melting in Regions of Thick Continental Lithosphere-Examples from Late Cretaceous and Younger Volcanic Rocks, Southern Rocky Mountains, Colorado” in the journal Geosphere. The dataset includes 40Ar/39Ar data for 19 samples from the Rabbit Ears volcanic field and from the Elkhead Mountains in northcentral Colorado, USA. Samples were collected from this area by James Mize (University of Colorado, Boulder), Lang Farmer (University of Colorado, Boulder), and Michael Cosca (USGS) with helpful input about sampling locations by Kenzie Turner (USGS). The samples were analyzed in the Denver Argon Geochronology Laboratory at the USGS from September, 2013 to July, 2017.


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DataDictionary.csv 24.99 KB text/csv
ElkheadRabbitEarsArgonData.csv 161.87 KB text/csv
ElkheadRabbitEarsArgonSummary.csv 7.99 KB text/csv
ElkheadRabbitEarsIrradiationChronologies.csv 281 Bytes text/csv
ElkheadRabbitEarsParameters.csv 1.82 KB text/csv 1.4 KB application/zip


This data release contains 40Ar/39Ar data for 19 samples from the Rabbit Ears volcanic field and Elkhead Mountains in northcentral Colorado, USA. The data for these samples will be used to constrain the timing of intrusive and extrusive igneous activity in the region, and evaluate sources for mantle-derived melts in regions with thick (>150 km) continental lithosphere.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P1VOZBNL

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