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Waterfowl Breeding Population Habitat Survey Alaska Abundance Estimate data 1957 to 2021


2020-07-01 05:00:00
The time period of the dataset to which the indicated bird analysis protocol is applied.
1957-05-15 10:00:00
The time period of the dataset to which the indicated bird analysis protocol is applied.
2021-06-05 08:00:00


Swaim, M, Groves, D. and J. B. Fischer. 2023. Waterfowl Breeding Population Habitat Survey Alaska Abundance Estimate data. Data Release. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Region, Migratory Bird Management.


EstimatesTableWBPHS_20220125.csv is a table of bird abundance estimates by year and species, 1957-2021. It was produced by MBM-AK using AKaerial R code and the WBPHS_AK QC transcribed dataset. The date in the file name (format = YYYYMODA, where YYYY = year, MO = month, and DA = day) represents the date that the R code was run to produce the table. A data dictionary and details on analysis methods are provided from the R package AKaerial and are also available within that package, see


Attached Files

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md_metadata.json 94.43 KB application/json
metadata_iso1.xml 359.22 KB application/vnd.iso.19139-1+xml
“Estimates Table”
10.14 MB text/csv

Material Request Instructions

Migratory Bird Management Alaska(Distributor); U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Region(Distributor)

Additional Information


Type Scheme Key
urn:uuid urn:uuid 54b7e320-4f28-4b11-ac18-27b89102892c
Alaska Regional Data Repository Alaska Regional Data Repository mbm7wa_003

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