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Alaska Yukon Delta Nest Plot Survey Legacy Nest Card Data 1985 - 2019


Last Update
2019-06-30 08:00:00
Start Date
1985-05-01 08:00:00
End Date
2019-07-01 08:00:00


Julian Fischer(Point of Contact), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Region(publisher), Migratory Bird Management Alaska(publisher), 2019-06-30(lastUpdate), Alaska Yukon Delta Nest Plot Survey Legacy Nest Card Data 1985 - 2019


This is the YKD nest card data from 1985 to 2019 produced after processing with the R script “Nest_Cards_QC.R”. This file (‘Nest_Cards_1985_2019_QC.csv’) should be used for producing population estimates and any other analyses. This file is what should generally be distributed for YKD nest card data requests.


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

md_metadata.json 50.39 KB application/json
metadata_iso1.xml 343.64 KB application/vnd.iso.19139-1+xml
Potential Metadata Source

125.54 KB application/vnd.iso.19139-2+xml

Material Request Instructions

Migratory Bird Management Alaska(Distributor); U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Region(Distributor)

Additional Information

Alternate Titles

  • YKD Nest Plot Survey
  • mbm7wa_002


Type Scheme Key
urn:uuid urn:uuid 86cba8ec-3576-4c77-b3b9-1c7065ce6b0e

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