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Green River Oil Shale Resources Database


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United States Geological Survey, 2011, Green River Oil Shale Resources Database: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently completed a comprehensive assessment of in-place oil in oil shales in the Eocene Green River in the Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. A database was compiled that includes about 47,000 Fischer assays from 186 core holes and 240 rotary drill holes. Most of the oil yield data were analyzed by the former U.S. Bureau of Mines oil shale laboratory in Laramie, Wyoming, and some analyses were made by private laboratories. Total in-place resources for the three assessed units in the Green River Formation are: (1) Tipton Shale Member, 362,816 million barrels of oil (MMBO), (2) Wilkins Peak Member, 704,991 MMBO, and (3) LaClede Bed of the Laney Member, 377,184 MMBO, for a total [...]


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Increasing energy demand, changing economics, new technology, and geopolitical issues have spurred renewed interest in other energy alternatives such as oil shale, heavy oil, and tar sands. The USGS Energy Resources Program has previously conducted extensive field and geologic research on these commodities and is initiating an effort to inventory and make these important legacy information assets accessible to the public, land managers, and other decision-makers. In addition, the Energy Program is scoping the geologic, technical, economic, and environmental factors controlling the production and use of these energy sources and will provide recommendations for future research in order to meet the energy needs of the United States.



  • Energy Resources Program



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DOI doi:10.5066/P146GEUS

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