This collection contains the quality-control (QC) transcribed data from the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Breeding Pair Survey. These QC data were produced from the “raw” data using the R Package “AKaerial.” The raw data were evaluated against the current data standards in the ‘AKaerial data dictionary’ and saved to new QC data files with associated log files that document any changes that were made. From 1985 to 1997, observers recorded bird observations out to 200 meters from the aircraft using continuously running tape players (with a locational accuracy of +/- 5 km), while an automated voice recording survey program (with a spatial accuracy of +/- 0.5 km) was used to record data from 1998 to present. The data files in this collection were named using the following naming convention: YKD(YKG)YYYY_QCObs_OOOO, where YKD=Duck data, YKG=Goose data, YYY=Year, QCObs=Quality control observations, and OOO=observer’s first initial and last name. These QC data were saved in a tidy format and are generally what should be used for analysis or data sharing.