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Alaska Landbird Monitoring Survey Dataset


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Handel C.M., Pajot, L.M., Matsuoka, S.M., 2024, Alaska Landbird Monitoring Survey dataset: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Boreal Partners in Flight developed the Alaska Landbird Monitoring Survey (ALMS) primarily to monitor breeding populations of landbirds in the vast off-road areas of Alaska in conjunction with data collected from the roadside North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS). ALMS is a collaborative program in which agencies and other entities conduct standardized surveys of breeding birds and their habitats on the lands they manage and then provide the data to the U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Science Center for analysis and archiving. The ALMS monitoring program comprises a set of survey blocks that have been selected in a stratified-random design primarily across state and Federal natural resource lands in Alaska with the principal goal [...]


Point of Contact :
Alaska Science Center
Originator :
Colleen M Handel, Pajot, Lisa M., Steven M Matsuoka
Metadata Contact :
Alaska Science Center
Publisher :
Alaska Science Center
SDC Data Owner :
Alaska Science Center
USGS Mission Area :
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

AlaskaLandbirdMonitoringSurvey_bird_detections.csv 13.23 MB text/csv
AlaskaLandbirdMonitoringSurvey_bird_taxonomy.csv 19.97 KB text/csv
AlaskaLandbirdMonitoringSurvey_contributors.csv 12.45 KB text/csv
AlaskaLandbirdMonitoringSurvey_location_info.csv 210.17 KB text/csv
AlaskaLandbirdMonitoringSurvey_weather_conditions.csv 139.1 KB text/csv
AlaskaLandbirdMonitoringSurvey_metadata.html 201.15 KB text/html


The primary objective of ALMS is to monitor long-term population trends of landbirds and other species that can be monitored by diurnal point counts during the breeding season, including many shorebirds and aquatic birds. A secondary objective is to estimate landbird densities by habitat, which can be used to model avian distribution and abundance across Alaska.



  • Alaska Science Center (ASC)
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9SCO7AN

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