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Dynamical Downscaled and Projected Climate for the US Pacific Islands

Includes Guam, Kauai, Oahu, Samoa


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Zhang, C., 2016, Dynamical Downscaled and Projected Climate for the US Pacific Islands: U.S. Geological Survey Sciencebase,


The present-day run starts on January 1st 1990 and ends on December 31st 2009. The purpose of the present-day run is twofold, e.g., to retrieve the present-day climate and to provide the downscaled high-resolution climate data. The future runs include two scenarios, one for RCP4.5 and the other one for RCP8.5. The future runs represent the time period from January 1st 2080 to December 31st 2099 although the date stamps used for projections are the same as those for the present-day run. The dynamical downscaling provides hourly atmospheric and land surface variables, such as rainfall, surface sensible heat fluxes and evaporation, radiative fluxes, wind, and temperature. These data were previously hosted on the THREDDS [...]


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This project produced very high resolution climate projections for the Hawaiian islands of O‘ahu and Kaua‘i, providing information on key variables of interest to decision makers such as rainfall, air temperature, and tropical cyclone patterns.

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DOI 10.21429/ss35-k236

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