Active relocations and tagging data for Black Carp Mylopharyngodon piceus; 2019-2023
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Kroboth, P.T., Broaddus, C.L., and Lohmeyer, L.R., 2024, Active relocations and tagging data for Black Carp Mylopharyngodon piceus; 2019-2023: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
This dataset represents active relocations of acoustic and radio telemetry tagged Black Carp among the Mississippi and Missouri rivers near their confluence. These river segments consist of both open river and impounded habitat present during observed hydrologic conditions from 2019-2023. Relocations were primarily on a monthly interval with initial weekly relocations during the first year of the study. Data are available throughout various seasonal conditions to document timing of movements and habitat use in these large rivers.
This dataset represents active relocations of acoustic and radio telemetry tagged Black Carp among the Mississippi and Missouri rivers near their confluence. These river segments consist of both open river and impounded habitat present during observed hydrologic conditions from 2019-2023. Relocations were primarily on a monthly interval with initial weekly relocations during the first year of the study. Data are available throughout various seasonal conditions to document timing of movements and habitat use in these large rivers.
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Black Carp Mylopharyngodon piceus were imported to the United States for use as a biological in aquaculture and have since escaped with reproducing populations in the wild. Habitat use and movement of this species has not been documented in the wild beyond capture locations. This presents questions about behavior independent of the catchability of gears among habitats and the movement of fish. The dataset was created through the active relocation of telemetry tagged fish to assess individual Black Carp habitat use and timing of movements within the wild. These data have not previously been reported from the species native or introduced range.
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