Centroid point locations of crop types in central California from 2005 - 2020
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Smith, B.W., Soulard, C.E., and Walker, J.J., 2024, Classification of crop types in central California from 2005 - 2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9B6JX0V.
This dataset is a collection of 1,253 sample points and associated crop types of fields for each examined year across the study period (2005 - 2020) in central California. These data represent labeled data that were used to train and test random forest classification models. Each sample point is the centroid of a field obtained from the California Department of Water Resources' 2018 crop type map. Crop types identified at each sample point was identified using high-resolution imagery and Landsat derived normalized difference vegetation index. Nine crop types were identified: rice, pasture, grain, field, citrus and mediterranean, deciduous fruit and nut, vineyard, fallow and young perennial, and truck, nursery, and berry. If a sample [...]
This dataset is a collection of 1,253 sample points and associated crop types of fields for each examined year across the study period (2005 - 2020) in central California. These data represent labeled data that were used to train and test random forest classification models. Each sample point is the centroid of a field obtained from the California Department of Water Resources' 2018 crop type map. Crop types identified at each sample point was identified using high-resolution imagery and Landsat derived normalized difference vegetation index. Nine crop types were identified: rice, pasture, grain, field, citrus and mediterranean, deciduous fruit and nut, vineyard, fallow and young perennial, and truck, nursery, and berry. If a sample point location's crop type could not be identified then it was left blank.