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Harlequin Duck Genetic Data, North America, Greenland, and Iceland, 1945-2006


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Pierson, B.J., Scribner, K.T., Esler, D.N., Talbot, S.L., 2023, Harlequin Duck genetic data, North America, Greenland, and Iceland, 1945-2006: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data package is comprised of three tables with data from wintering Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) from Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Maine, Greenland, and Iceland. The first table contains available allele sizes for 7 microsatellite loci (Sfiµ1, Sfiµ4, Sfiµ9, Sfiµ10, Bcaµ10, Hhiµ2, Hhiµ5) and mtDNA control region haplotypes. The second table contains the mtDNA control region sequences used to assign haplotypes. The third table provides the geographic locations of sampling sites.


Point of Contact :
Alaska Science Center
Originator :
Barbara J Pierson, Scribner, Kim T, Daniel N Esler, Talbot, Sandra L
Metadata Contact :
Alaska Science Center
Publisher :
Alaska Science Center
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Alaska Science Center
USGS Mission Area :

Attached Files

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harlequinDuck_microsat_holarctic_pierson_metadata.html 98.94 KB text/html
harlequinDuck_microsat_holarctic_pierson.csv 60.94 KB text/csv
harlequinDuck_mtDNA_holarctic_pierson.csv 2.91 KB text/csv
harlequinDuck_sampleLocation_holarctic_pierson.csv 5.2 KB text/csv


The data were collected to assess geographic structuring in wintering Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) populations.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9V2GYIU

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