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Photographs and photomicrographs of selected pre-Middle Jurassic basement rocks beneath the Coastal Plain in Florida


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Deasy, R.T., Lupo, M.E., McAleer, R.J., and Horton, Jr., J.W., 2024, Photographs and photomicrographs of selected pre-Middle Jurassic basement rocks beneath the Coastal Plain in Florida: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release contains photographs and photomicrographs from drill cores and cuttings of pre-Middle Jurassic basement rocks that are buried beneath Coastal Plain sedimentary deposits in Florida. These samples provide rare insights into deeply buried rocks that have no surface exposures and no known exposed correlates. These images were acquired to support the characterization, discrimination, and correlation of map units comprising Florida’s basement infrastructure (Deasy and others, 2024a). These are the original images. Annotated images with additional comments are available in the companion Data Report (Deasy and others, 2024b). Semi-quantitative mineral modes of many basement rocks are presented in a companion data release [...]


Point of Contact :
Ryan T Deasy
Originator :
Ryan T Deasy, Mary E. Lupo, Ryan J McAleer, J. Wright Horton
Metadata Contact :
Ryan T Deasy
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Florence Bascom Geoscience Center
USGS Mission Area :
Core Science Systems

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IP165865_data_dictionary_FINAL.csv 1.14 KB text/csv
IP165865_image_table_FINAL.csv 39.31 KB text/csv
2.37 GB application/zip
IP165865_Image_type_key_FINAL.csv 2.07 KB text/csv


Basement terranes and basins buried beneath sediments of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains are among the last frontiers of regional geology in the United States. Photographs and photomicrographs of drill cores and cuttings of rocks from pre-Middle Jurassic basement buried beneath the Coastal Plain in Florida were acquired to support subsurface geologic mapping and topical studies as in geochronology, geochemistry, petrology, and tectonics.



  • USGS Data Release Products


Harvest Set
USGS Scientific Topic Keyword


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DOI doi:10.5066/P13XYCUC

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