The Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Cascades to Coast Analysis produced the following geospatial data layers for fisher (Pekania pennanti): (1) a raster dataset depicting habitat suitability, (2) a vector dataset of core habitat depicting areas of high concentrations of suitable habitat, (3) a raster dataset depicting the landscape’s resistance to movement, (4) a raster dataset of cost-weighted distance depicting the permeability of the landscape for movement between core habitat areas, (5) a vector dataset depicting the least-cost paths between core habitat areas, and (6) a raster dataset depicting the least-cost corridors between core habitat areas.
The data layers are provided in multiple file formats that include: (1) an ArcGIS Pro file geodatabase, (2) ArcGIS Pro layer files (.lyrx), (3) ArcGIS Pro layer packages (.lpkx), and (4) shapefiles and TIFFs. Metadata files for each data layer are provided in html and xml formats.
The GIS data layers are also available in interactive maps that can be accessed on DataBasin in the gallery “Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Cascades to Coast Analysis.”
See the Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Cascades to Coast Analysis Report for a detailed account of the background and modeling information for fisher.