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National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), U.S. Drought Portal


Focus: 1) Developing the U.S. Drought Portal, 2) Integrating and fostering coping strategies through research, preparedness, education and public awareness, 3) Integrating data and predictions, 4) Developing pilot programs for design and implementation of early warning systems in selected locations The U.S. Drought Portal is part of the interactive system to: Provide early warning about emerging and anticipated droughts Assimilate and quality control data about droughts and models Provide information about risk and impact of droughts to different agencies and stakeholders Provide information about past droughts for comparison and to understand current conditions Explain how to plan for and manage the impacts of [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin




<p> Web site added as part of a data mining exercise for the Upper Colorado River Basin Climate Effects Network.</p>

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