The spread of cheatgrass was identified by the WLCI LPDTs as a serious threat to maintaining important wildlife habitat. Team members also expressed interest in knowing whether past habitat treatments (prescribed burns, mowing, herbicide applications) resist or promote the spread of cheatgrass and other invasive plant species. Other questions address whether or not soil biological crusts can resist the spread of cheatgrass. Since 1990, numerous habitat-restoration and enhancement projects have been implemented in the Little Mountain Ecosystem (LME), many of which entailed prescribed burns.
To evaluate annual variation of cheatgrass density on treated and untreated plots and to determine the ability of soil biological crusts to resist cheatgrass in sagebrush-dominated communities, we established multi-scale sampling plots during FY2009 and FY2010 in Firehole Canyon, Wyo. Vegetation monitoring continued during July 2012. At the subplot scale, we recorded and photographed species composition and percent cover of soil biological crusts and bare ground. At the macroplot scale, we searched for any additional invasive or native species not recorded in the subplots. This information will be collected every 2-3 years and shared with WLCI LPDTs.
Product Completed in 2012
- Vegetation and photo datasets updated with 2012 data and photos.
Products Completed in FY2011
- Revised draft 2010 vegetation dataset with 2011 data and photos.
Products Completed in FY2010
- Manier, D.J., Aldridge, C.L., Anderson, P.J., Chong, G., Homer, C.G., O’Donnell, M., and Schell, S., in press, Land use and habitat conditions across the southwestern Wyoming sagebrush steppe -- Development impacts, management effectiveness and the distribution of invasive plants, in Monaco, T.A., Schupp, E.W., Kitchen, S.G., and Pendleton, R.L., compilers, Threats to shrubland ecosystem integrity: Linking research and management, in Wildland Shrub Symposium, 16th, May 18-20, 2010, Proceedings: Logan, Ut., Utah State University Press; and S.J. and the Jessie E. Quinney Natural Resources Research Library, Natural Resources and Environmental Issues, v. 17, p. xx-xx.
- 2010 vegetation dataset with plot photos.
Products Completed in FY2009
- Spatial data associated with monitoring transects and photo points.
- List of invasive species recorded along transects and nearby human-made disturbance features.