In FY12, hydrogeomorphic methodology was being applied along 670 miles of the Missouri River from Decatur, Nebraska to St. Louis, Missouri. In FY15, additional resources extended the HGM up river to Gavin’s Point Dam, West Yankton, South Dakota (approximate river mile 811), the location of the most downstream mainstem dam; thus encompassing the entire free flowing reach of the Missouri River and increasing the study area by approximately 800,000 acres. Using this method, engineers and ecologists will incorporate state-of-the-art scientific knowledge of ecological processes and key fish and wildlife species to identify options by which to emulate natural hydrologic and vegetation/ animal community dynamics. Results of this research will help guide land and water uses within the corridor aimed at maximizing ecological functionality while considering restoration potential, flood control, recreation , navigation and other interests. The lower Missouri River contains countless conservation properties and efforts maintained by local, state and federal agencies, nonprofit groups and private entities. The project aims to work with these partners to provide a comprehensive ecological context for the region and a basis for developing common habitat objectives for conservation actions. The HGM was kicked off by meeting with Missouri River conservation stakeholders and scientists to explain the HGM process, gather perspectives and information needs, and identify datasets and efforts necessary to the HGM evaluation. The meetings were held on November 29, 2012, in Kansas City, Missouri, and January 17, 2013, near Omaha, Nebraska. Attendees included a combined total of 70 representatives from 10 local, state and federal agencies, as well as an NGO. Participants were enthusiastic about the potential of this project and provided perspectives and information which will be critical to the HGM evaluation. Currently, Dr. Heitmeyer, his staff and several agencies are working to compile the data and research which will be used to provide a historical context and generate HGM layers. A third HGM meeting will be held to include representatives and data from the additional upper reaches of the lower Missouri River.