Rolling upland along crest of Palos Verdes Hills. Los Angeles County, California. 1922.
Date Taken
Rolling upland along crest of Palos Verdes Hills, head of Altamira Canyon tapping hanging valley shown in photo 74. Photographs 65 and 66 here are composed as one photograph. Los Angeles County, California. 1922. Published as plate 27-C is a small portion of photo 65, and all of 66, U.S.Geological Survey Professional paper 207. 1946.
Rolling upland along crest of Palos Verdes Hills, head of Altamira Canyon tapping hanging valley shown in photo 74. Photographs 65 and 66 here are composed as one photograph. Los Angeles County, California. 1922. Published as plate 27-C is a small portion of photo 65, and all of 66, U.S.Geological Survey Professional paper 207. 1946.
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