Climate grids for the extent of the GNLCC study area saved as asciis with a 2km resolution. These grids are saved in in the Albers Equal Area Conic projection. Summer is defined as months 7-9, while winter is defined as months 1-3. All grids with the exception of cmi.asc, dd5.asc, & growingsl.asc were produced in the program ClimateWNA, which downscales PRISM climate grids using a digital elevation model.
Mean annual precipitation (mm) - aprec.asc
Annual Climate moisture index (cm/year) - cmi.asc
Degree-days > 5°C - dd5.asc
Growing season length - growingsl.asc
Isothermality (°C) - isotherm.asc
Mean annual temperature (°C) - mat.asc
Maximum temperature warmest month (°C) - maxtw.asc
Minimum temperature coldest month (°C) mintc.asc
Summer precipitation (mm ⋅ 3month -1) - sumprec.asc
Temperature range (°C) - trange.asc
Winter precipitation seasonality (% mm ⋅6month ) - winterseasprecpct.asc
Winter precipitation (mm ⋅ 3month -1) - wintprec.asc
Relevant papers:
Hogg, E. H. (1994). Climate and the southern limit of the western Canadian boreal forest. Canadian Jounral of Forest Research , 24 (9): 1835-1845.
Hogg, E. H. (1997). Temporal scaling of moisture and the forest-grassland boundary in western Canada. Agricultural and Forest Meterology, 84: 112-122.
McKenney, D. W., Hutchinson, M. F., Papdopol, P., Lawrence, K., Pedlar, J., Campbell, K., Milewska, E., Hopkinson, R. F., Price, D., & Owen, T. (2011). Customized spatial cliamte models for North America. Bulletin of the American Meteological Society,92(12): 1611-1622.
Wang, T., Hamann, A., Spittlehouse, D. L., & Aitken, S. N. (2006). Development of scale-free climate data for western Canada for use in resource management. International Journal of Climatology, 26: 383-397.
Wang, T., Hamann, A., Spittlehouse, D. L., & Murdock, T. Q. (2011). ClimateWNA - High-resolution spatial climate data for western North America. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 51: 16-29.