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Assessment of the use of submersed aquatic vegetation data as a bioindicator for the Upper Mississippi River


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The potential use of aquatic macrophytes as a bioindicator of the health of the Upper Mississippi River was assessed by analysis of submersed aquatic vegetation and water quality data collected through the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP) in Upper Mississippi River Pools 4, 8, and 13. Data from the main channel border and side channel strata were used because these strata are conducive to rapid data collection and are more susceptible to tributary influences than backwaters. Several aquatic macrophyte attributes were calculated by use of the LTRMP data set. These included percent frequency; relative frequency of exotic, sensitive, and tolerant species; plant abundance; species richness; Simpson’s Index of Diversity; Shannon’s [...]


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  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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U.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, Long Term Resource Monitoring Program, La Crosse, Wisconsin

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