Ignizio, D.A., 2015, Sample Data Release: U.S. Geological Survey data release, http://dx.doi.org/10.5066/XXXXXXXX.
This USGS Data Release represents geospatial and tabular data for the Denali Sampling Project. The data release was produced in compliance with the new 'open data' requirements as a way to make the scientific products associated with USGS research efforts and publications available to the public. The dataset consists of 4 separate items: 1. Sample Site Locations (Vector GIS dataset) 2. Sample Transects (Vector GIS dataset) 3. Final Index Score Output (Raster GIS dataset) 4. Sample Site Recordings - Finalized (Tabular dataset) These data support the following publication: Ignizio, D.A., 2015, Sample associated publication: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016–xxxx, xx p., http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr2015xxxx.
This USGS Data Release represents geospatial and tabular data for the Denali Sampling Project. The data release was produced in compliance with the new 'open data' requirements as a way to make the scientific products associated with USGS research efforts and publications available to the public.
The dataset consists of 4 separate items:
1. Sample Site Locations (Vector GIS dataset)
2. Sample Transects (Vector GIS dataset)
3. Final Index Score Output (Raster GIS dataset)
4. Sample Site Recordings - Finalized (Tabular dataset)
These data support the following publication:
Ignizio, D.A., 2015, Sample associated publication: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016–xxxx, xx p., http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr2015xxxx.
The data were produced in support of the Denali National Park survey and recording assessment.Appropriate use may include future work related to research and recorded observations in Denali National Park.