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Steepest-Descent Lines for Kīlauea, Mauna Loa, Hualālai, and Mauna Kea Volcanoes, Hawaiʻi


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Kauahikaua, J.P., Orr, T., Patrick, M.R., and Trusdell, F.A., 2017, Steepest-Descent Lines for Kīlauea, Mauna Loa, Hualālai, and Mauna Kea Volcanoes, Hawaiʻi: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This USGS data release includes two ESRI polyline shapefiles (file_names.shp) describing the describing the steepest-descent lines calculated at two levels of detail (See Process Step for explanation). To increase access to these data, KMZ (Compressed Keyhole Markup Language) versions of the polyline feature layers are included in this release (file_names.kmz). In addition to these data layers, two supplementary data layers from the Big Island Mapping Project (BIMP) showing lava flows originating on Mauna Loa and Kilauea volcanoes, originally published in Trusdell, Wolfe, and Morris (2006), are included for context and reference. Both ESRI polygon shapefiles and KMZ versions of these files are included, naming conventions are identical [...]


Point of Contact :
James P Kauahikaua
Originator :
James P Kauahikaua, Tim Orr, Matthew R Patrick, Frank A Trusdell
Metadata Contact :
James P Kauahikaua
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
USGS Mission Area :
Natural Hazards
SDC Data Owner :
Volcano Hazards Program Office

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steepest-descent Data
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“Metadata in text format”
20.88 KB text/plain


These data of steepest-descent lines for the Island of Hawai'i are to be used as a general guide in forecasting the initial lava flow paths for future eruptions of Kīlauea, Mauna Loa, Hualālai, and Mauna Kea volcanoes. These data contribute to natural hazard monitoring and lava flow control efforts and are intended to assist emergency managers during an eruption, to plan emergency response activities, and to identify infrastructure at risk.



  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/F7FJ2DX0

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