Saginaw Bay Restoration Assessment Composite Model (2016)
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Saarinen, J.A., 2016, Saginaw Bay Restoration Assessment Composite Model: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
Well-established conservation planning principles and techniques framed by geodesign were used to assess the restorability of areas that historically supported coastal wetlands along the U.S. shore of Saginaw Bay. The resulting analysis supported planning efforts to identify, prioritize, and track wetland restoration opportunity and investment in the region. To accomplish this, publicly available data, criteria derived from the regional managers and local stakeholders, and geospatial analysis were used to form an ecological model for spatial prioritization. These data include parameter inputs from external sources current to 2016. For an updated data set, including parameter inputs up to 2023, please see: Hopkins, A.L., Jaenicke, [...]
Well-established conservation planning principles and techniques framed by geodesign were used to assess the restorability of areas that historically supported coastal wetlands along the U.S. shore of Saginaw Bay. The resulting analysis supported planning efforts to identify, prioritize, and track wetland restoration opportunity and investment in the region. To accomplish this, publicly available data, criteria derived from the regional managers and local stakeholders, and geospatial analysis were used to form an ecological model for spatial prioritization.
These data include parameter inputs from external sources current to 2016. For an updated data set, including parameter inputs up to 2023, please see:
Hopkins, A.L., Jaenicke, M.E., Bozimowski, A.A., and Kowalski, K.P., 2024, Saginaw Bay Restoration Assessment, Composite Model: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
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The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) is an over $4B U.S. congressional investment in the restoration of Great Lakes ecosystems. Restoration goals of the GLRI include the functional restoration of Great Lakes coastal wetlands (Great Lakes Restoration Initiative 2010; 2014). The data were collected in order to model, using a geodesign approach, the restorability of coastal wetlands and help managers prioritize future restoration projects. Restorability model developed by New College and USGS using detailed terrain and historical lake levels, and national soils, wetlands, land use, and land cover data.