The proposed project focuses upon two major goals:1. Designate Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas (PARCAs) in the South Atlantic Landscape, and develop an adaptive management plan for those areas.2. Determine whether PARCAs provide an effective strategy for integrated, long-term conservation of biodiversity and cultural resources in the South Atlantic Landscape; and develop a comprehensive biodiversity protection plan for the SALCC.
To achieve these goals, we have identified the following objectives:Objective 1. Identify areas within the SALCC that are vitally important to preserving the rich diversity of amphibians and reptiles in the region, focusing upon rare species distribution, diversity, and landscape viability. Use future climate models and human population growth models to predict impact upon the viability of the identified PARCAs, allowing for the creation of an adaptive management plan.Objective 2. Designate partners within each state to help guide and ground truth the PARCAs and to facilitate an adaptive management approach that is responsive to climate change and human population growth patterns.Objective 3. Scientifically assess whether PARCAs are an effective strategy for identifying areas that will efficiently preserve non-herpetofaunal taxa and cultural resources.