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Data for Radium Mobility and the Age of Groundwater in Public-drinking-water Supplies from the Cambrian-Ordovician Aquifer System, North-Central USA: Table 2. Detailed information on the calibration of dissolved gas models to dissolved gas concentrations (neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and nitrogen).


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Jurgens, Bryant, Stackelberg, P.E., and Szabo, Zoltan, 2017, Data for Radium Mobility and the Age of Groundwater in Public-drinking-water Supplies from the Cambrian-Ordovician Aquifer System, North-Central USA: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


High radium (Ra) concentrations in potable portions of the Cambrian-Ordovician (C-O) aquifer system were investigated using water-quality data and environmental tracers ( 3H, 3Hetrit, SF6 , 14C and 4Herad) of groundwater age from 80 public-supply wells (PSWs). Groundwater ages were estimated by calibration of tracers to lumped parameter models and ranged from modern (1 Myr) in the most downgradient, confined portions of the potable system. More than 80 and 40 percent of mean groundwater ages were older than 1000 and 50,000 yr, respectively. Anoxic, Fe-reducing conditions and increased mineralization develop with time in the aquifer system and mobilize Ra into solution resulting in the frequent occurrence of combined Ra (Rac = 226Ra [...]


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Samples for dissolved gases and environmental tracers were collected from drinking-water wells that withdraw water from the Cambrian-Ordovician in 2014 to understand the age and vulnerability of the aquifer to natural and anthropogenic contaminants. For more information about the data collection and interpretation of dissolved gases and groundwater age, please read the process steps listed in the metadata (xml) files and the journal article associated with this data release.

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