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CA LCC Webinar: Climate Change and California Coastal Marshes


John Y Takekawa(Principal Investigator), Karen Thorne(Principal Investigator), California Landscape Conservation Cooperative(funder), California Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), CA LCC Webinar: Climate Change and California Coastal Marshes,


March 19, 2014 12:00-1:00 pm PSTSpeaker Glen MacDonald, Director of the UCLA Institute for the Environment and Sustainability.This webinar presents some basics on potential rates and magnitudes of relative sea level rise along the California coast over the 21st century as influenced by climate change, tectonics and other related factors. The potential accretion rates of selected marshes relative to anticipated sea level rise will be outlined and a multidisciplinary joint USGS-UCLA project to study past, present and future marsh response to sea level changes will be described.


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  • California Landscape Conservation Cooperative
  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal

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