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Research and Publications Authored and Supported by GBLCC Staff


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University of Idaho(Contributor), US Department of Agriculture(Contributor), Joint Fire Science Program(Contributor), Great Northern LCC(Contributor), Great Basin LCC(Contributor), US Department of Agriculture(Contributor), US Fish & Wildife Service(Contributor), Bureau of Land Management(Contributor), US Geological Survey(Contributor), US Forest Service(Contributor), Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies(Contributor), Bureau of Land Management(Contributor), Lance Okeson(Contributor), US Forest Service(Contributor), Jeff Ott(Contributor), US Department of Agriculture(Contributor), Fred Pierson(Contributor), Peter Robichaud(Contributor), Thomas Warren(Contributor), University of Idaho(Contributor), Eva Strand(Contributor), Jason Williams(Contributor), Utah State University(Contributor), Kari Veblen(Contributor), Kevin Moriarty(Contributor), US Geological Survey(Contributor), Brady Mattsson(Contributor), Eugene Schupp(Contributor), University of Nevada Extension(Contributor), J. Kent McAdoo(Contributor), Eric LaMalfa(Contributor), Jon Bates(Contributor), Teton Research Institute(Contributor), Kevin Krasnow(Contributor), Cheri Howell(Contributor), Natural Resources Conservation Service(Contributor), Shane Green(Contributor), University of Nevada - Reno(Contributor), Jeff Gicklhorn(Contributor), Kirk Davies(Contributor), Max Post van der Burg(Contributor), Fred Edwards(Contributor), Oregon State University(Contributor), Dustin Johnson(Contributor), Washington State University(Contributor), Brian Lamb(Contributor), Karen Prentice(Contributor), US Fish & Wildife Service(Contributor), Sarah Kulpa(Contributor), Linda Joyce(Contributor), Jessica Haas(Contributor), Paul Griffin(Contributor), Colorado Parks and Wildife(Contributor), Kathleen Griffin(Contributor), Steve Hanser(Contributor), Michele Crist(Contributor), Marco Perea(Contributor), Amarina Wuenschel(Contributor), Jared Bybee(Contributor), Randy Foltz(Contributor), Mark Brunson(Contributor), Natalie Wagenbrenner(Contributor), Boise State University(Contributor), Kevin Feris(Contributor), Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory(Contributor), Patrick Sorensen(Contributor), James Grace(Contributor), University of California - Santa Barbara(Contributor), Carla D'Antonio(Contributor), Colorado State University(Contributor), Cynthia Brown(Contributor), Great Basin LCC(Contributor), Amarina Wuenschel(Contributor), Todd Hopkins(Contributor), Francis Kilkenny(Contributor), Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies(Contributor), Kenneth Mayer(Contributor), Jeanne Chambers(Contributor), Matt Germino(Principal Investigator), Bryce Richardson(Contributor), Clinton McCarthy(Contributor), Eric Jensen(Contributor), Steve Campbell(Contributor), Anne Halford(Contributor), Susan Meyer(Contributor), Confederated Tribes & Bands of the Yakama Nation(Contributor), Bob Rose(Contributor), John Carlson(Contributor), Brigham Young University(Contributor), Bruce Roundy(Contributor), David Pyke(Contributor), Richard Miller(Contributor), John Bradford(Contributor), Lief Wiechman(Contributor), Kenneth Henke(Contributor), Jeremy Maestas(Contributor), University of Wyoming(Contributor), Jacob Hennig(Contributor), William Christensen(Contributor), Doug Havlina(Contributor), Kevin Doherty(Contributor), Jonathan Dinkins(Contributor), Karen Clause(Contributor), Jeffrey Beck(Contributor), Brian Mealor(Contributor), Mike Pellant(Contributor), Beth Newingham(Contributor), Laurie Kurth(Contributor), Chad Boyd(Contributor), Gail Collins(Contributor), University of Massachusets, Amherst(Contributor), Bethany Bradley(Contributor), Mary Manning(Contributor), John Tull(Principal Investigator), Richard Kearney(Contributor), Doug Shinneman(Contributor), Martha Brabec(Contributor), Nevada Department of Wildlife(Contributor), Shawn Espinosa(Contributor), Nancy Shaw(Contributor), Research and Publications Authored and Supported by GBLCC Staff,


FY2010In addition to regional Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge projects that the Great Basin LCC (GBLCC) supports, GBLCC staff lend technical expertise to a range of projects and have contributed to important regional publications on a range of subjects. These publications range in type from textbooks, to management-oriented science and conservation plans, to scientific papers and have covered subjects like wind erosion following fire, soil microbiota response to drought, plant community resilience to invasive species, and alpine plant communities. In many cases these publications form foundations for scientifically-informed management strategies across the Great Basin.

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Author :
Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Custodian :
Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Contributor :
University of Idaho, US Department of Agriculture, Joint Fire Science Program, Great Northern LCC, Great Basin LCC, US Department of Agriculture, US Fish & Wildife Service, Bureau of Land Management, US Geological Survey, US Forest Service, Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Bureau of Land Management, Lance Okeson, US Forest Service, Jeff Ott, US Department of Agriculture, Fred Pierson, Peter Robichaud, Thomas Warren, University of Idaho, Eva Strand, Jason Williams, Utah State University, Kari Veblen, Kevin Moriarty, US Geological Survey, Brady Mattsson, Eugene Schupp, University of Nevada Extension, J. Kent McAdoo, Eric LaMalfa, Jon Bates, Teton Research Institute, Kevin Krasnow, Cheri Howell, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Shane Green, University of Nevada - Reno, Jeff Gicklhorn, Kirk Davies, Max Post van der Burg, Fred Edwards, Oregon State University, Dustin Johnson, Washington State University, Brian Lamb, Karen Prentice, US Fish & Wildife Service, Sarah Kulpa, Linda Joyce, Jessica Haas, Paul Griffin, Colorado Parks and Wildife, Kathleen Griffin, Steve Hanser, Michele Crist, Marco Perea, Amarina Wuenschel, Jared Bybee, Randy Foltz, Mark Brunson, Natalie Wagenbrenner, Boise State University, Kevin Feris, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, Patrick Sorensen, James Grace, University of California - Santa Barbara, Carla D'Antonio, Colorado State University, Cynthia Brown, Great Basin LCC, Amarina Wuenschel, Todd Hopkins, Francis Kilkenny, Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, Kenneth Mayer, Jeanne Chambers, Bryce Richardson, Clinton McCarthy, Eric Jensen, Steve Campbell, Anne Halford, Susan Meyer, Confederated Tribes & Bands of the Yakama Nation, Bob Rose, John Carlson, Brigham Young University, Bruce Roundy, David Pyke, Richard Miller, John Bradford, Lief Wiechman, Kenneth Henke, Jeremy Maestas, University of Wyoming, Jacob Hennig, William Christensen, Doug Havlina, Kevin Doherty, Jonathan Dinkins, Karen Clause, Jeffrey Beck, Brian Mealor, Mike Pellant, Beth Newingham, Laurie Kurth, Chad Boyd, Gail Collins, University of Massachusets, Amherst, Bethany Bradley, Mary Manning, Richard Kearney, Doug Shinneman, Martha Brabec, Nevada Department of Wildlife, Shawn Espinosa, Nancy Shaw
Principal Investigator :
Matt Germino, John Tull, Richard Kearney
Point of Contact :
Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative
administrator :
Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Distributor :
Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Material Request Contact :
Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative

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