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Taking Action Together: The Northeast Regional Synthesis for State Wildlife Action Plans


2018-01-18 21:48:33
Last Update
2018-01-18 21:54:14
Publication Date


North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Steven Fuller(Principal Investigator), 2018-01-18(creation), 2018-01-18(lastUpdate), 2015-12(Publication), Taking Action Together: The Northeast Regional Synthesis for State Wildlife Action Plans


The Northeast Fish and Wildlife Diversity Technical Committee (NEFWDTC) and its partner organizations, public and private, offer the Northeast Regional Synthesis as a work in progress, an early result of our long-term commitment to regional collaboration and successful conservation of wildlife species and the lands and waters that sustain them.This document represents a landmark regional collaboration in the history of wildlife conservation in the United States. It is also designed as a practical tool that will help guide state fish and wildlife agencies and their conservation partners in setting priorities and making on-the-ground conservation decisions that affect the future of wildlife and the habitats that support wildlife in the [...]


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2015 Northeast Regional Conservation Synthesis for distribution.pdf
“Taking Action Together: The Northeast Regional Synthesis for State Wildlife...”
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md_metadata.json 51.22 KB application/json
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25.62 KB application/vnd.iso.19139-2+xml


This report is designed as a practical tool that will help guide state fish and wildlife agencies and their conservation partners in setting priorities and making on-the-ground conservation decisions that affect the future of wildlife and the habitats that support wildlife in the Northeast. It is both a success story and a strategic step forward for state and regional wildlife conservation in the Northeast.


  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative

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