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Treatment area summarized by Whitebark Pine Climate Suitability Zone


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Kathryn Ireland, 2017, Treatment area summarized by Whitebark Pine Climate Suitability Zone.


This dataset represents the area in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem prioritized for different whitebark pine(Pinus albicaulis) management activities, summarized by climate suitability zones. This data was developed for use in a landscape simulation modeling study aimed at evaluating how well alternative management strategies maintain whitebark pine populations under historical climate and future climate conditions. For the study, we developed three spatial management alternatives for whitebark pine in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem representing no active management, current management, and climate-informed management. These management alternatives were implemented in the simulaton model FireBGCv2 under historical climate and three [...]


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Kathryn Ireland

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Treatment Area by Climzone.xml
Original FGDC Metadata

18.15 KB application/fgdc+xml
Treatment by Climzone.csv 2.71 KB text/csv


The purpose of this data is to provide a tabular summary of the area prioritized for treatment within each future climate suitability zone for whitebark pine and for each management scenario. These data were created to summarize treatment areas under current and climate-informed management strategies for a mid-range future climate scenario at the end of the century (CESM1-CAM5, RCP 8.5, 2069-2099).The data was used to produce figures in resulting manuscripts.



  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • North Central CASC

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