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Upper Rio Grande Basin Focus Area Study


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In 2014, the Upper Rio Grande Basin (URGB) of Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and northern Mexico was chosen as a focus area study (FAS) for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Census. The three main objectives of the USGS National Water Census are to (1) provide a nationally consistent set of indicators that reflect each status and trend relating to the availablity of water resources in the United States, (2) provide information and tools that allow users to better understand the flow requirements for ecological purposes, and (3) report on areas of significant competition over water resources and the factors that have led to the competition. The URGB FAS will help meet these objectives through an integrated, comprehensive [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Michael S Johnson
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

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The Upper Rio Grande Basin (URGB) Focus Area Study (FAS) will compile existing information and add new scientific data and interpretation to help stakeholders face current and future water issues. The study is organized around the important components affecting water availability in the Basin: Water Use, Groundwater, Evapotranspiration, Snow Processes, Streamflow Processes, and Watershed Processes.

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  • National Water Census



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