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An eDNA assay for Irish Petromyzon marinus and Salmo trutta and field validation in running water


This pilot study presents an environmental DNA (eDNA) assay for sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus and brown trout Salmo trutta, two species of economic and conservation importance in the Republic of Ireland. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of eDNA for assessing presence of low-abundance taxa (here, P. marinus) for environmental managers, and they highlight the potential for assessing relative abundance of rare or invasive freshwater species.

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Gustavson et al. 2015 eDNA Assay for Irish Sea Lamprey and Brown Trout.pdf
“Gustavson et al. 2015 eDNA Assay for Irish Sea Lamprey and Brown Trout”
326.3 KB application/pdf


  • Pacific Lamprey Data Clearinghouse
  • Pacific Region, Region 1
  • US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)


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