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Mercury speciation and other constituent data for surface sediment and water associated with the South San Francisco Bay Salt Pond Restoration, 2010-18


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Marvin-DiPasquale, M.C., Agee, J.L., Arias, M.R., Kakouros, E, and Kieu, L.H., 2019, Mercury speciation and other constituent data for surface sediment and water associated with the South San Francisco Bay Salt Pond Restoration, 2010-18, U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset includes mercury and other constituent concentration and physical properties data for surface sediment, pore water and surface water collected as part of the South San Francisco Bay Salt Pond Restoration Phase 1 (2010 to 2018) studies. The overarching focus of these studies was to monitor mercury (Hg) biogeochemistry in both sediment and water in response to management actions associated with the conversion of former salt producing ponds to contemporary wetland habitat. The two primary management actions included the breaching of Pond A6 during December 2010, and the construction and operation of an adjustable tidal control structure (TCS) associated with the Pond A5/A7/A8 Complex beginning in June 2011. The TSC that reconnects [...]


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The South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project (SBSPRP) is a long-term (50 year time-frame) wetland restoration effort located in multiple regions around the bay-land interface of South San Francisco Bay (SFB), focused on converting over 15,100 acres of former industrial salt production ponds into a mosaic of tidally flushed wetland habitat and deeper managed ponds, for wildlife habitat and flood control ( One of the three main restoration areas, the ‘Alviso Complex’ in the extreme southern portion of the South Bay, is notable in that it also represents one of the most mercury (Hg) contaminated regions within the SFB. A primary freshwater input to the Alviso Complex is Alviso Slough, which is the terminus of an upper watershed drainage area that includes the largest historic mercury mining district in North America (the New Almaden mining area). Thus, Alviso Slough and the surrounding former salt production ponds contain legacy Hg contamination, which may be remobilized as a result of changing hydrodynamics in the region due to SBSPRP management actions. The 2010-2018 surface sediment and surface water data presented here was collected to assess how specific management actions affected Hg concentrations, speciation, mobilization, and bioaccumulation in Alviso Slough and in the A5/A7/A8 Pond Complex.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9MERSKP

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