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Field measurements for characterizing salmon spawning habitat in two restored reaches of the lower Merced River, California


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Legleiter, C.J., and Harrison, L.R., 2019, Field measurements for characterizing salmon spawning habitat in two restored reaches of the lower Merced River, California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


To support an investigation of the effectiveness of a large-scale river restoration project, several types of field data were collected from two gravel-bed reaches of the regulated lower Merced River in California's Central Valley, primarily in the fall of 2016. These data sets were intended to characterize salmon spawning habitat and identify factors influencing spawning site selection. This parent data release includes links to child pages for the following data sets: 1) Bulk samples of streambed sediment used to characterize the subsurface grain size distribution. 2) Pebble counts used to characterize the sediment grain size distribution of the bed surface. 3) Force gage measurements used to parameterize a force balance model [...]

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Material Request Instructions

For questions concerning this data set, please contact:

Dr. Carl J. Legleiter -, 303-271-3651
Geomorphology and Sediment Transport Laboratory
United States Geological Survey
4620 Technology Drive, Suite #400
Golden, CO 80403


The various data sets comprising this data release were used to evaluate the extent to which two large-scale restoration projects provided improved salmon spawning habitat on the lower Merced River in California. A related goal of this study was to improve our understanding of the geomorphic factors influencing spawning site selection by salmon.


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DOI doi:10.5066/P99CWIDL

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