Core Research Center, core E613, from well operated by CHEVRON OIL
Raw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API
{"Lib Num": "E613", "API Num": "2509105160", "Operator": "CHEVRON OIL", "Well Name": "2 NELS A WARD", "Field": "FLAT LAKE", "State": "MT", "County": "SHERIDAN", "Type": "SLABBED", "Photos": "T", "Thin Sec": "T", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "48.973534", "Longitude": "-104.149204", "coordinates_geohash": "c8tyw52ge8kv", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "RATCLIFFE", "Age": "MISS", "Min Depth": "6502", "Max Depth": "6560"}], "crcwc_url": "", "photos": ["", "", ""], "thin_sections": [{"Sequence": "1", "Min Depth": "6507.3", "Max Depth": "0.0", "View": ""}, {"Sequence": "1", "Min Depth": "6511.0", "Max Depth": "0.0", "View": ""}, {"Sequence": "1", "Min Depth": "6533.5", "Max Depth": "0.0", "View": ""}, {"Sequence": "1", "Min Depth": "6546.5", "Max Depth": "0.0", "View": ""}], "surface_rocktype": ["coal", "sandstone", "shale"], "surface_age": "Danian - Selandian", "gmu_name": "Tongue River Member of Fort Union Formation", "strat_unit": "Tongue River Member", "gmu_ref": ""}