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River Valley Boundaries and transects Generated for Select Large Rivers of the Upper Midwest, United States


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Rohweder, J., 2019, River Valley Boundaries and Transects Generated for Select Large Rivers of the Upper Midwest, United States: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


River valley boundary extents were generated for select large river floodplains of the Upper Midwest, United States. These polygons were delineated using a method that incorporated interpolating a water surface elevation that completely over-topped water-control structures within the valley such as levees, flood walls, and roadways. The intersection of this derived water surface and land elevation at the outermost edge of the floodplain was used to delineate the approximate extent of the river valley boundary. We used best professional judgment to approximate this water surface elevation. River transects were generated at 1-mile increments across select large river floodplains of the Upper Midwest, United States. These transects [...]

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Point of Contact :
Jason Rohweder
Originator :
Jason Rohweder
Metadata Contact :
Jason Rohweder
SDC Data Owner :
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
USGS Mission Area :
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

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River valley boundary extents were generated to allow researchers the ability to quantify multiple geomorphic metrics important in classifying large river floodplains.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9HFYOLO

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