Building a framework to compute continuous grids of basin characteristics for the conterminous United States
The proposed work will create a seamless pilot dataset of continuous basin characteristics (for example upstream average precipitation, elevation, or dominant land cover type) for the conterminous United States. Basin characteristic data are necessary for training or parameterizing statistical, machine learning, and physical models, and for making predictions across the landscape, particularly in areas where there are no observations. The pilot dataset will be accessible to the public via an interactive map and Web-based query service. The pilot dataset, USGS software used to produce it, and a publication on the processing methods will be generated. This work represents a substantial addition to USGS data services by delivering a suite [...]
The proposed work will create a seamless pilot dataset of continuous basin characteristics (for example upstream average precipitation, elevation, or dominant land cover type) for the conterminous United States. Basin characteristic data are necessary for training or parameterizing statistical, machine learning, and physical models, and for making predictions across the landscape, particularly in areas where there are no observations. The pilot dataset will be accessible to the public via an interactive map and Web-based query service. The pilot dataset, USGS software used to produce it, and a publication on the processing methods will be generated. This work represents a substantial addition to USGS data services by delivering a suite of basin characteristics at every location in the conterminous United States, codifying the software and processing techniques needed to produce such a dataset, and delivering the data in both human and machine-readable formats.
Principal Investigator : Theodore B Barnhart Co-Investigator : Thomas R Sando, Peter M McCarthy Cooperator/Partner : Roland Viger, Seth A Siefken, Toby L Welborn